February 12, 2013


I went to Boston in the fall.

And yeah – It was amazing.

My mom and I went together on our eighth – ninth? we've kind of lost track – adventure outside of Minnesota. We've been able to see some awesome sights, and have more on our wish list.

I have a deep love for historical buildings, crave unique architecture, and admire the sight of an old structure preserved among new, despite its flaws. Because when a city loses its history, it loses its soul. Boston definitely isn't lacking for this... so for the better part of three days, my mom patiently followed me around cobblestone streets and brick sidewalks with my camera glued to my face. Just ask her, it's not much of an exaggeration. 

From the harbor to Harvard, we filled our time with walking the gas lamp-lit Commonwealth Avenue, eating at local cafés, taking a harbor cruise along the waterfront and past the USS Constitution (the oldest ship still afloat in the U.S.), savoring seafood at a waterfront restaurant, strolling through the Hahvahd yahd (yes, that accent is real), walking past so many wonderful doors, yes, doors, and snooping around a 100-year-old baseball park, imagining a long-gone world where men and women would have come to games in suits and dresses.

This trip was such a tease... Because now I want to see a game at Fenway, walk through one of the stately doorsteps we saw on Beacon Hill, people-watch in the victorian gardens, get (more) gelato in the italian North End, explore the harbor and islands, wander the narrow alleyways, and play pretend among buildings that I wish could transport me back in time. No doubt about it, Boston is another east coast city that has my heart.

P.S. There are probably too many pictures here... you're welcome.

February 6, 2013

Boston | preview

Attempting to prep a Boston post. Still have a long way to go. So, here are two.